
Thing About s£x

You should never force your spouse into having sex. Both of you need to consent to it each time even as a married couple. Don’t be the person who offends your spouse and demands sex when your spouse is hurting.

Whatever sexual position you two do, whatever location where you two have sex; both your conscience should be OK with it. Don’t force your spouse to do things that disturb the conscience.

It is not just about your sexual pleasure, both of you have to enjoy it. As your spouse makes you feel good, make him/her feel good too.

Foreplay is not just the touching, licking and rubbing before intercourse; but also treating each other special when sex is not the agenda. This makes your spouse feel your good treatment is not a tactic to get sex, but genuine love.

Hindplay is treating each other special after the climax. This involves cuddles, kind words, prayer, compliments and acts of service.

Sex being an exchange and mixing of body fluids and collision of bodies; maintain good hygiene. Brush your teeth, shower, wash your vagina well, wash your penis well, wash your butt area well to prevent foul smell, change inner wear, keep your finger nails clean, keep the bedroom clean, smell good. This encourages intimacy.

It is called love making because you are creating. Avoid monotony, create new memories.

Communicate how you want your spouse to please you; don’t suffer in silence and assume your spouse knows. Make requests how you want it. Communicate when it is painful. Communicate when you are made love too well. Moan to encourage your spouse to do it right.

When love making is done right, you two will connect better and deeper as a couple.

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